Rainbow Chapter #276
La Mar Avenue & 70th St.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Meetings: March, April, October 1st & 3rd Monday
1st Monday June, November, December
3rd Monday February, May, August, September
Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Welcome to Rainbow Chapter!
We are an active chapter in Cottage Grove, with a lot of experienced members
along with several younger members
Our enjoyment comes from friendships with each other
and our community service projects. Come check us out!
Sarah Murphy, Worthy Matron - sjmurphy4556@gmail.com
Rainbow Chapter #276 supports several service projects in the community.

The Bikes for Books Project provides bicycles and helmets as grand prizes in the February reading program at local elementary schools.

Scholarships are awarded in May to graduating seniors in local high schools and to students that have completed one year of higher education and are continuing their education.

The Tools for Schools Project provides school supplies and monetary donations to local elementary schools to support math and reading programs.

The Union Gospel Mission-St. Paul is supported by two Chapter projects. The Sock It To Me Project provides new men’s socks collected throughout the year and distributed to those in need and the homeless in spring and fall. The Thanksgiving Meal Project provides food and grocery store gift cards for local families. A special blessing of the meals ceremony is held at a Chapter meeting before they are delivered.

The Tie One On Project provide fleece blankets tied by members for the Masonic Children’s Hospital.
February 19, 2022
January 13, 2022
August 12, 2020