Myrtle Chapter #13
326-3rd St.
Farmington, MN 55024
Phone Number: (651) 463-7325
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesday
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM
2nd Tuesday only in June and December
Myrtle #13 Officers for 2021-2022
Ann Jensen, Worthy Matron, 612-718-9501
Bruce Jensen, Worthy Patron, 651-983-8558
Barbara Lang, Secretary, 651-463-8397, 240-394-0440
Myrtle Chapter #13 was chartered on October 12, 1882, and meets in the historic Corinthian Lodge. Myrtle continues to this day to stand steadfast and true in its legacy to provide charity, truth and loving kindness to all.

February 19, 2022
April 27, 2021