St. Anthony Park Chapter #212
Worthy Matron: Mary Indritz
Worthy Patron: Art Lingo
Secretary: Jan Lingo
1321 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Phone Number: (651) 636-0884
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursday
Evening Stated Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Evening Stated Meetings on the 1st Thursday in March, 3rd Thursday in April, May, June, September, and October
Day Stated Meeting Time: 10:30 AM
Day Stated Meetings on the 3rd Thursday in March, November, January and February
Social Meeting Time: 10:30 AM
Social Meetings on the 1st Thursday of April, May, June, Spetember, October, November, December and February
No meetings July and August
The Mission of Our Members:
- We are dedicated women and men who reflect a spirit of fraternal love and work together for a common good.
- We give our time and talent to projects to benefit mankind, to make a difference in our world, and to provide fellowship opportunities.
- Our open fundraising events include a salad luncheon, fashion show, Scandinavian luncheon, cooking demonstration, Michael Monroe concert, pajama party, and Bunco party. Since 1983 we have hosted our Annual Cancer Dance which is open to public and supports the OES Cancer Scholar.
- Among ourselves we collect freewill offerings at dinner, scrapbooking, presentations, penny jar, bake sales, and direct member donations for special fundraisers like the Keystone Food Shelf. We receive memorials and matching funds upon occasion.
Our Members Actively Practice Charity, Truth, and Loving Kindness
In the Uplifting of each other
In Service to our communities
Through a Connected and Dedicated environment
With our scriptural Lessons
With our beneficient Purposes
In our moral Teachings and Actions
February 19, 2022