Educational Loan Program

Did you know that the Minnesota Grand Chapter has an interest free educational loan that is available to our Eastern Star members and their families? It is a 5-year interest free loan for post-high school students.
The Educational loan is designed to assist members of Eastern Star and their families who wish to pursue post-high school education. Loans may be obtained in an amount not to exceed $2,500 and are designed to assist those who have a need for financial help.
The student must be seriously pursuing advanced education or technical training. He or she must be an Eastern Star member in good standing or a family member of an Eastern Star member in good standing. It is preferred the applicant attend a Minnesota school; however, exceptions can be made at the discretion of the committee under special circumstances.
Loans are granted with the stipulation that they are to be repaid in full by the end of the five years from the date of the note with no interest charges. Payments are to begin three years from the date of the Note. After five years, any amount remaining on the Note is subject to 6% simple interest, compounded annually, or at a rate to be determined by the members of the Educational Loan Committee.
To apply for a loan, download the documents on the Eastern Star website ( or contact the Grand Secretary for the name and number of the current Chairperson. The applicant must fill out all the forms, including the formal application, a personal statement and the loan agreement. The applicant must also provide the names of two responsible persons who will secure the loan.
Other forms that need to be signed include Eastern Star membership to show eligibility by the Eastern Star chapter secretary, reference forms, guarantor forms and signature forms. All forms must be reviewed by the committee to determine if the loan should be granted. This is a process that takes some time and effort by the applicant and the committee, but well worth the effort to be able to secure an interest free loan.
Access the forms from within the Members Only Portal. If you do not know the password, please use the Contact Form to obtain it,