2022-2023 "Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness Grand Family"

Pam Willette, Worthy Grand Matron

Jerry Oliver, Worthy Grand Patron

2022-23 Grand Officers

2022-23 Grand Escorts

Pam Willette
Worthy Grand MatronExcelsior #20

Jerry Oliver
Worthy Grand PatronMartha #132

Sharon Barlow
Associate Grand MatronMartha #132

Steven Downs
Associate Grand Patron
St. Anthony Park #212 & Martha #132

Joyce McCurdy
Grand Secretary
Rainbow #276

Michael Powles
Grand Treasurer Robbinsdale #238

C.J. Brase
Grand ConductressCereal #2 and Hope #34

Kathleen Taylor
Associate Grand ConductressKedron #120 and Granite #5

Goody Vokovan
Grand ChaplainMartha #132

Dennis Niles
Grand MarshalWhittemore #283

Char Sliter
Grand OrganistKedron #120

Kayla Arnold
Grand AdahAcacia #272

Chris Coulson
Grand RuthSunshine #98

Jackie Benn
Grand EstherGranite #5

Karen Beam
Grand MarthaRainbow #276 and

Carla Nelson
Grand ElectaRochester #193

Doug Rhodes
Grand WarderRenaissance #313

Dan Hanley
Grand SentinelBloomington #307 and Renaissance #313
2022 Session Photos
2023 Session Photos
Colors for the Year:
Teal and Cranberry

Grand Chapter Pin
2022-2023 Theme
Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness
- Charity: Reminds us to raise money for our various projects
- Truth: Reminds us to always speak the truth and do not let others influence you
- Loving Kindness: Reminds us to love one another and to look out for each other and be there in time of need or adversity
2022-2023 Grand Chapter Projects
Jack's Baskets
This is an organization that helps families celebrate children with Down’s Syndrome.
The organization strives to ensure that every new and expectant parent is provided resources and avenues of support within the community. Their aim is to educate medical providers on how to discuss the diagnosis in an unbiased way in hopes that having a baby with Down syndrome is celebrated like any other.
Since March 2014, Jack's Basket has celebrated over 5,000 babies across all 50 states and in 39 countries.
Click here for more information about Jack's BasketsService Dogs
Service Dogs-support of Helping Paws
This is an ongoing project that was started by General Grand Chapter. The goal is to raise money for Helping Paws in Minnesota who provides service dogs for Veterans.
Masonic Cancer Center at U of M
We continue to support the effort to develop treatments and cures for cancer.
We are supporting the work of Dr. Helen Parsons as she continues her research in cancer survivorship. She works in both adult, pediatric, and adolescent populations and was recruited to help in this area. Cancer survivorship and cancer prevention are intimately linked. She works closely with Dr. Turcotte and Dr. Blaes, both previous OES scholars.
A benefit will be held in the Fall of 2022 for this worthwhile project.
Click here for a video about Dr. Parsons and her work.
Grand Chapter Scholarships
We will continue our support for our three scholarship programs.
ESTARL: Available to any person pursing leadership in religious fields;
M. Josephine Rusham: Available to graduating high school seniors going into post-secondary education
Pat Rasmusson Continuing Education Scholarship: For students who are not covered by the other two scholarships, and which seeks to assist those students who often have no scholarship resources.
Masonic Children’s Hospital at U of M
This is non-monetary project and needs will be outlined by Jan and Art Lingo from St. Anthony Park Chapter, Roseville.
The University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital is known for their work with children. Members of our order provide continued, inspired support in a variety of ways, such as donating snack and personal care items, blankets, lap robes, games, books, clothing, and pretty much whatever we find there is a need for throughout the year.
Fun and Memories
2022 Installation
2022 Installation