2021-2022 "A Renewed Vision"

Kathie Brown, Worthy Grand Matron

Jim Bjostad, Worthy Grand Patron

A Renewed Vision Grand Officers

A Renewed Vision Grand Escorts

Kathie Brown
Worthy Grand MatronAcacia #272

Jim Bjostad
Worthy Grand PatronQueen Esther #26

Pam WIllette
Associate Grand MatronExcelsior #20

Kathie Brown
Associate Grand PatronMartha #132

Joyce McCurdy
Grand SecretaryRainbow #276

Michael Powles
Grand TreasurerRobbinsdale #238

Sharon Barlow
Grand ConductressMartha #132

CJ Brase
Associate Grand ConductressCereal #2

Annie Zastera
Grand ChaplainQueen Esther #26

Jane LaMusga
Grand MarshallMartha #132

Catherine Carlson
Grand OrganistMoorhead #164

Rosemary Guntzel
Grand AdahRobbinsdale #238

Sue Borgerson
Grand RuthTrinity #242 & Minnehaha #37

Wanda Cordell
Grand EstherMora #158

LoAnn DeBoer
Grand RuthPickwick #191

Ravelle Smith
Grand ElectaRenaissance #313

Robin Little
Grand WarderGalilee #53 & Whittemore #283

Steven Downs
Grand SentinelSt. Anthony Park #212 & Martha #132
2022 Session Photos
Honored Station: Chaplain
Colors for the Year: Red, White and Blue

Grand Chapter Pin
A Renewed Vision
What is the "Renewed Vision?"
- A renewed emphasis on memorizing the ritual work
- Education and programs at chapter meetings
- Making a Difference by having a physical presence by volunteering in your community and/or being involved in community events
- The new shooting star logo from General Grand Chapter also ties in with this Renewed Vision
- And hopefully, we have a Renewed Vision as we are coming out of the pandemic.
2021-2022 Grand Chapter Projects
Service Dogs
Service Dogs-support of Helping Paws
We partnered with the American Legion located at the Paul Revere Masonic Center in St. Louis Park to hold a pancake breakfast on June 5th with all proceeds going to this project.
We plan to hold similar events in other parts of the state. These will be coordinated by the Service Dog Committee chaired by John Lattimore from Robbinsdale Chapter.
Veterans with PTSD is one of the groups who benefit from Helping Paws' dogs.
Masonic Cancer Center at U of M
We continue to support the effort to develop treatments and cures for cancer.
Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota-new OES scholar, Dr. Helen Parsons
Dr. Parsons is a recently recruited faculty member (2020) to the School of Public Health. She has a research interest in cancer survivorship. She works in both adult, pediatric, and adolescent populations and was recruited to help in this area. Cancer survivorship and cancer prevention are intimately linked. She works closely with Drs. Turcotte and Blaes, both previous OES scholars.
The benefit for this project will be held on October 23rd at the Scottish Rite Building in Minneapolis and will be chaired by the 2018-2019 Grand Family of Pam Leech and John Bergum with the assistance of the 2004-2005 Grand Family of Linda Wright and John Cook.
Click here for a video about Dr. Parsons and her work.
Partners for Light
Installation of the Rose window at the remodeled OES Chapel at the Masonic Home
The Order of the Eastern Star has committed to underwriting the cost of a stained glass rose window in the O.E.S. Chapel at the Minnesota Masonic Home.
Chairperson for this project is Joyce McCurdy, PGM, Grand Secretary.
Proceeds from the raffle of a beautiful patriotic quilt made by Sue Bay from Queen Esther Chapter, St Paul Park, and the Grand Chapter pins will go to this project. There may be an additional appeal for this project so please stay tuned.
Members, Chapters and all are invited to join in a variety of ways to sponsor this gift!
Fun and Memories
Kathie Brown Comments
THANKS!!!!!Memorable Events
Memorable PhotosRenewedVision
What is the Renewed Vision?