2018-2019 "Minnesota Memories"

Pam Leech, Worthy Grand Matron

John Bergum, Worthy Grand Patron

Minnesota Memories Grand Officers

Minnesota Memories Grand Escorts

Pam Leech
Worthy Grand Matron
Acacia #272 & White Bear Lake #200

John Bergum
Worthy Grand Patron
Trinity #242

Kathy Foster
Associate Grand Matron

Scott Anderson
Associate Grand Patron

Joyce McCurdy
Grand Secretary
Rainbow #276

Michael Powles
Grand Treasurer

Kathie Brown
Grand Conductress

Pam Willette
Associate Grand Conductress

Scott Richardson
Grand Chaplain

Dan Hanley
Grand Marshal
#307 & #313

Nancy Kalland
Grand Organist
#56 & #242

Robyn Johnson
Grand Adah

Meghan Faundeen
Grand Ruth

Mary Indritz
Grand Esther

Janet Johnson (Deceased)
Grand Martha
#238 & #272

Alice Brenny
Grand Electa

Richard Henderson
Grand Warder
#56 Fort Myers #31

Jim Bjostad
Grand Sentinel

Grand Chapter Pin
Honored Stations: Electa and Marshal

Flower - Pink Ladyslipper
Colors for the Year: Maroon and Gold with a little Royal Blue
2018-2019 Grand Chapter Projects
Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center
We will support the Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center by supporting Dr. Lucie Turcotte in her research of reoccurring childhood cancer.
The Order of the Eastern Star has a long standing relationship with the University of Minnesota, supporting Cancer Research, and we are honored to continue that support.
We are also bringing back the "Tie-One On" project, to make lap robes for the Masonic Cancer Center and the Minnesota Masonic Home.
We will, of course, continue the support of our Grand Chapter Scholarships.
ESTARLfor those pursing leadership in religious fields;
M. Josephine Ruhsam for graduating high school seniors heading off to post-secondary education in colleges, universities, trade, vocational, and technical schools and academies;
The Pat Rasmusson Continuing Education Scholarship is for students who are not covered by the other two scholarships, and which seeks to assist those students who often have no scholarship resources.
Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital
The University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital project is to donate sweatpants/shirts and socks/underwear for the behavioral unit. These are mostly teenagers so we will need adult sizes, small to large. We will also continue the pillowcases, snack bags, and anything that we have done in the past. Jan and Art Lingo will see that these items get to the hospital.
Report Card Projects
A is for Adolescents
Participate in and support youth organizations with an emphasis on Job's Daughters and DeMolay, but also including Boy/Girl Scouts, church groups, etc. Take pictures and write up about your participation.
B is for Books
Donate books to schools, care centers, hospitals, etc. Pictures and write ups please.
C is for Community
Any community project which gets the OES name out, with an emphasis on any Service Dog projects. Send in your pictures and reports!
D is for Dive in and participate
Participate in the Shining Star Individual Accomplishment Award. This is a new award and the form to fill out will be in the packets. This is the first year and there will be a pin that you can earn a colored star to attach, this year it is the blue star. This is a 5 year project, each year will have a star of the next color in the sequence of our star points.
F is for Flaunt your stuff.
Let the world know what you are doing by submitting articles/pictures to Starlites, OES Journal, Minnesota Mason and local newspapers.
Fun and Memories