2023-2024 "Roses of Love and Friendship"
Sharon Barlow WGM and Steven Downs WGP



Click to go to the Barlow-Downs Memory Page



2022-2023 "Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness"
Pam Willette WGM and Jerry Oliver WGP



Click to go to the Willette-Oliver Memory Page



2021-2022 "A Renewed Vision"
Kathie Brown WGM and Jim Bjostad WGP

Click to go to the Brown-Bjostad Memory Page


2019-2020-2021 "Roaring 20's - Focus on Service"
Kathy Foster WGM and Scott Anderson WGP


Click to go to the Foster-Anderson Memory Page


2018-2019 "Minnesota Memories"
Pam Leech, WGM and John Bergum, WGP


Click to go to the Leech-Bergum Memory Page


2017-2018 "Soar with Love"


Peg Oliver

Worthy Grand Matron
Martha #132

Roger Taylor

Worthy Grand Patron
Granite #5 & Kedron #120

Pam Leech

Associate Grand Matron

John Bergum

Associate Grand Patron

Joyce McCurdy PGM

Grand Secretary
Rainbow #276

Michael Powles

Grand Treasurer

Kathy Foster

Grand Conductress

Kathie Brown

Associate Grand Conductress

Jim Bjostad

Grand Chaplain

Del Larson

Grand Marshal

Barbara Lang

Grand Organist

Sharon Barlow

Grand Adah

Tanya Hosfield

Grand Ruth

Jan MacPherson

Grand Esther

Brenda Peterson

Grand Martha

Carol Vihovde

Grand Electa

Bob Misner

Grand Warder

Scott Anderson

Grand Sentinel

2016-2017 "Stronger Together"


Georgianne Johnson

Worthy Grand Matron
Rochester #193

Dale Peirce

Worthy Grand Patron
Sunshine #98 & Royal #42

Peg Oliver

Associate Grand Matron

Roger Taylor

Associate Grand Patron
#5 & #120

Joyce McCurdy

Grand Secretary

Michael Powles

Grand Treasurer

Pam Leech

Grand Conductress
#272 & #200

Kathy Foster

Associate Grand Conductress

John Jubala

Grand Chaplain

John Harper

Grand Marshal
#242 & #13

Glen Carlson

Grand Organist
#276 & #212

Nancy Hanson

Grand Adah

Wilma Coulson

Grand Ruth

Kim Matuseski

Grand Esther

Joan Gail Pederson

Grand Martha

Marie Rhodes

Grand Electa

Cindy Saunders

Grand Warder

John Bergum

Grand Sentinel

2015-2016 "Garden of Peace and Harmony"


Judy Luettjohann

Worthy Grand Matron
Crookston #137

Marv Enslin

Worthy Grand Patron
Olive Branch #114

Georgianne Johnson

Associate Grand Matron

Dale Pierce

Associate Grand Patron
#98 & #42

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#276 & #212

Michael Powles

Grand Treasurer

Peg Oliver

Grand Conductress

Pam Leech

Associate Grand Conductress

Don Swanstrom

Grand Chaplain

Mary Loritz

Grand Marshal
#187 & #276

Dorcie Larson

Grand Organist

Linda Jergenson

Grand Adah

Pamela Harper

Grand Ruth

Beth Brown

Grand Esther

Karen Kirkwood

Grand Martha

Nancy Fischer

Grand Electa
#5 & #120

Jan Pray

Grand Warder

Roger Taylor

Grand Sentinel
#5 and & #120

2014-2015 "Family Heritage"


Tracy Keeling

Worthy Grand Matron
Lake Harriet #202

Dick McGinnis

Worthy Grand Patron
Excelsior #20

Judy Luettjohann

Associate Grand Matron

Marv Enslin

Associate Grand Patron

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#276 & #212

Michael Powles

Grand Treasurer

Georgianne Johnson

Grand Conductress

Peg Oliver

Associate Grand Conductress

Pam Willette

Grand Chaplain

Chuck Brust

Grand Marshal

Meredith Kuharenko

Grand Organist

Jenifer Larson

Grand Adah

Jan Arnold

Grand Ruth

Mary Williams

Grand Esther

Judy Lantto

Grand Martha

Pam Leech

Grand Electa

Hazel Bartron

Grand Warder

Dale Pierce

Grand Sentinel
#98 & #42

2013-2014 "Simple Gifts"


Barbara Brihn

Worthy Grand Matron
Bloomington #307

Hal Olson

Worthy Grand Patron
Minnehaha #37

Tracy Keeling

Associate Grand Matron

Dick McGinnis

Associate Grand Patron

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#276 & #212

Michael Powles

Grand Treasurer

Judy Luettjohann

Grand Conductress

Georgianne Johnson

Associate Grand Conductress

Sandy Heidecker

Grand Chaplain

Patricia Heaser

Grand Marshal

Bill Hubbard

Grand Organist

Diane Blight

Grand Adah

Kathy Smith

Grand Ruth
#108 & #293

Robbin Kottwitz

Grand Esther

Lois Leonard

Grand Martha

Patricia Whitney

Grand Electa

Jeannette Sexson

Grand Warder

Marv Enslin

Grand Sentinel

2012-2013 "Celebrate"


Cynthia McDonald

Worthy Grand Matron
Robbinsdale #238

Curtis Speller

Worthy Grand Patron
Martha #132

Barb Brihn

Associate Grand Matron

Hal Olsen

Associate Grand Patron

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#276 & #212

Georgianne Johnson

Grand Treasurer

Tracy Keeling

Grand Conductress

Judy Luettjohann

Associate Grand Conductress

Ray Milford

Grand Chaplain

Marv Enslin

Grand Marshal

Deborah Rickard

Grand Organist

Ann Alberg

Grand Adah

Pamela Clinton

Grand Ruth
#20 & #293

Jamie Johnson

Grand Esther

Joyce Shaver

Grand Martha

Jean Bergum

Grand Electa

Dorothymae Graves

Grand Warder
#29 & #193

Dick McGinnis

Grand Sentinel

2011-2012 "One Moment in Time"


Doris Korthof

Worthy Grand Matron
Whittemore #238 & Galilee #53

Ralph Johansen

Worthy Grand Patron
Excelsior #20 & Galilee #53

Cynthia McDonald

Associate Grand Matron

Curtis Speller

Associate Grand Patron

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#276 & #212

Georgianne Johnson

Grand Treasurer

Barb Brihn

Grand Conductress

Tracy Keeling

Associate Grand Conductress

Denise Emery

Grand Chaplain

Larry Drinkwitz

Grand Marshal

Rolf Widstrand

Grand Organist

Jean Kulvich

Grand Adah

Bonnie Melville

Grand Ruth

Kathleen Taylor

Grand Esther

Sandra Oman

Grand Martha

Kathy Parent

Grand Electa

John Wentworth

Grand Warder
#2 & #108

Dick McGinnis

Grand Sentinel

2010-2011 "Spirit of Adventure"


Donna Hanley

Worthy Grand Matron
Bloomington #307

Russell Trout

Worthy Grand Patron
Excelsior #20 & Queen Esther #26

Doris Korthof

Associate Grand Matron
#283 & #53

Ralph Johansen

Associate Grand Patron
#20 & #53

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#275 & #212

Georgianne Johnson

Grand Treasurer

Cynthia McDonald

Grand Conductress

Barb Brihn

Associate Grand Conductress

Jane Gross

Grand Chaplain

John Bergum

Grand Marshal

Birgit Anderson

Grand Organist
#53 & #283

Dawn Richardson

Grand Adah

Peggy Baker

Grand Ruth

Lo Ann Ramlo

Grand Esther

Mary Noble

Grand Martha

Pam Brust

Grand Electa

Al Pederson

Grand Warder

Curtis Speller

Grand Sentinel

2009-2010 "Shoot for the Stars"


Sue Bay

Worthy Grand Matron
Queen Esther #26

James Morris

Worthy Grand Patron
Robbinsdale #238

Donna Hanley

Associate Grand Matron

Russel Trout

Associate Grand Patron
#26 & #20

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#275 & #212

Georgianne Johnson

Grand Treasurer

Doris Korthof

Grand Conductress
#238 & #53

Cynthia McDonald

Associate Grand Conductress

Gary Whiteman

Grand Chaplain

Neil Hanson

Grand Marshal

Pat Lamon

Grand Organist

Toni Murray

Grand Adah

Deloris Schwalbe

Grand Ruth

Kathleen Walzak

Grand Esther

Darlene Fezler

Grand Martha

Ellen Mrkvicka

Grand Electa
#98 & #141

Charles Magnusson

Grand Warder

Ralph Johansen

Grand Sentinel
#20 & #53

2008-2009 "Flight of Fancy"


Arleen Steele

Worthy Grand Matron
Martha #132 & Alpha #23

Roger Schmid

Worthy Grand Patron
Minnehaha #37

Sue Bay

Associate Grand Matron

James Morris

Associate Grand Patron

Glen Carlson

Grand Secretary
#275 & #212

Kathy Trout

Grand Treasurer
#26 & #20

Donna Hanley

Grand Conductress
#283 & #53

Doris Korthof

Associate Grand Conductress
#283 & #53

CJ Brase

Grand Chaplain
#2 & #123

Roger Putnam

Grand Marshal

Kathy Downs

Grand Organist

Tracy Keeling

Grand Adah
#272 & #202

LaDonna Miles

Grand Ruth

Barbara Brihn

Grand Esther

Judy Harper

Grand Martha

Iretta Smith

Grand Electa

Patty Meehl

Grand Warder

Russel Trout

Grand Sentinel
#26 & #20

2007-2008 "Wishes Are Dreams of the Heart"


Helen Johnson

Worthy Grand Matron
#187 & #200

David MacPherson

Worthy Grand Patron

Arleen Steele

Associate Grand Matron
#132 & #23

Roger Schmid

Associate Grand Patron

Robyn Johnson

Grand Secretary

Kathy Trout

Grand Treasurer
#26 & #20

Sue Bay

Grand Conductress

Donna Hanley

Associate Grand Conductress

Roger Taylor

Grand Chaplain
#120 & #5

Steve Maslonka

Grand Marshal

Maria McFetridge

Grand Organist

Barb Lawton

Grand Adah
#37 & #283

Donna Bogie

Grand Ruth

Sheryl Iverson

Grand Esther

Pam Larson

Grand Martha

Janet Broten

Grand Electa

Cynthia McDonald

Grand Warder

James Morris

Grand Sentinel

2006-2007 "Miles and Smiles"


Barbara Nordaune

Worthy Grand Matron

Jim Foster

Worthy Grand Patron

Helen Johnson

Associate Grand Matron
#187 & #200

David MacPherson

Associate Grand Patron

Robyn Johnson

Grand Secretary

Kathy Trout

Grand Treasurer
#26 & #20

Arleen Steele

Grand Conductress
#132 & #23

Sue Bay

Associate Grand Conductress

Jeanette Kupferschmid

Grand Chaplain

Vernon Schwalbe

Grand Marshal

Suzanne Walker

Grand Organist

Bonnie Locken

Grand Adah
#187 & #262

Betty Clark

Grand Ruth

Norma Coleman

Grand Esther
#283 & #55

Janet Johnson

Grand Martha

Muriel Gavin

Grand Electa
#11 & #75

Brenda Gergen

Grand Warder

Roger Schmid

Grand Sentinel

2005-2006 "Teach and Reach"


Ellen Caufman

Worthy Grand Matron
#2 & #108

Larry Lennon

Worthy Grand Patron

Barbara Nordaune

Associate Grand Matron

Jim Foster

Associate Grand Patron

Robyn Johnson

Grand Secretary

Kathy Trout

Grand Treasurer
#26 & #20

Helen Johnson

Grand Conductress
#187 & #200

Arleen Steele

Associate Grand Conductress
#132 & #23

Pat Gruntzel

Grand Chaplain