Working With Your Lodge

One of the things I, along with others, have observed over many years is that when a chapter and their lodge work together, it benefits both of them. If you do not have a good working relationship with your lodge, two things for your consideration-

If you have not tried to establish a relationship with your lodge, please work on this. I suggest that it starts with a meeting between the top officers of each group. Talk about what you can do to work together. It could be at a community event, a fundraiser or a social event. You could participate in or attend each other’s Installation of Officers and/or help serve a meal for the other organization. I am sure you can come up with other ideas. This should be a regular happening, not just a one-time event.

If you have tried to establish a relationship with your lodge and have been shutout or meet with resistance, the Membership Committee is prepared to assist you. The committee will send one or more committee members to a meeting with top leaders of the lodge and chapter. Deputy Grand Master, Foster Solem, is supportive of this effort. He has advised that a representative from Grand Lodge will make sure that your lodge participates in this meeting and a representative from Grand Lodge will also attend the meeting. If your chapter is in this position, and needs assistance with setting up such a meeting, please contact me:

Home: 612-827-5760

Cell: 612-599-0642

Yes, many chapters could use more brothers, but please don’t start by pressuring Masons to join Star. Once you get to know each other by working together, hopefully them wanting to join OES will come naturally.