
Area Conference – Granite Chapter #5, St. Cloud

Granite Chapter (St. Cloud Masonic Center) 518 1/2 W Saint Germain St,, Saint Cloud, MN

Minnesota AREA CONFERENCES 2023 “Ritual Recall and Code Chatter” Dear Sisters and Brothers, We hope you will attend at least one of the Area Conferences scheduled for Saturdays in August, September, and October. The dates and locations are: August 26th at Granite Chapter # 5 in St. Cloud September 30th at Rochester Chapter # 193 in Rochester October 21st at Renaissance Chapter # 313 in Savage. Registration opens at 8:30 am with the conference starting at 9:00 am. A lunch will be served around 12:30 pm. The lunch charge is $ 10.00 per person and Reservations are required. We are planning to cover the ritualistic opening and closing of our meetings, balloting options, basics of conducting a meeting and tips from Robert’s Rules of Order. You will have a chance to test yourself with a friendly trivia quiz and we hope to field questions you may have that can be answered by the Board, Line Officers, District Instructors or our other Star experts. Bring those questions you have always wanted to ask but did not. You may submit them in writing or via email ahead of time or you will have the opportunity during our Q & A time slot. We will have an optional short half hour session after lunch for anyone who has questions about becoming a District Instructor or who might entertain the idea of running for Associate Grand Conductress or Grand Sentinel some day. Those who have specific questions about her/his chapter office will have the chance to ask them as well. Come for the education and review. Enjoy the fellowship and fun. We are all Stars in training. Area Conference Team C J Brase, AGM Dan Hanley, AGP Kathleen Taylor, GC Kurt Johnson, GS Reservations for St. Cloud Area Conference: Mail checks made out to Granite Chapter # 5 to: Nancy Fischer PO Box 212 Merrifield MN 56465-0212 Deadline August 21st Questions: 320-290-9806


Reception for Grand Conductress/Grand Sentinel

Gallatin Residence 13415 9TH AVE SE, MILACA, MN

Join us for an informal gathering with Grand Conductress Kathleen Taylor and Grand Sentinel Kurt Johnson