
Upcoming Events

JULY  Mon., 12 Galilee 53 Buffalo OV Honor Grand Warder, Robin Little-5:00 pm Picnic Meal 5:30 pm Location: Park in Monticello (see details elsewhere in this issue) We., 14 Mesaba 211 Hibbing OV-2:00 pm WGM and WGP only Sun., 25 Glenwood Waterama Parade-1:00 pm AUGUST  Mo., 9 Unity 29 Austin Grand Family Visit-7:00 pm Sa., 14 Lyra 166 Alexandria Area Conference-9:00 am Mo., 16 Kedron 120 Princeton OV-7:00 pm Potluck Dinner-6:00 pm RSVP for dinner to WM Kristin Gallatin Tu., 17 Lake City 75 Lake City OV-7:30 pm WGM and WGP only Thurs., 19 Renaissance 313 Savage OV-7:00 pm Dinner-6:00 pm RSVP for dinner to WM RaVelle Smith Sat., 21 Mora 158 Mora OV-11:00 am Honor Grand Esther, Wanda Cordell & presentation of 50-year pins Tea at 10:00 am RSVP to WM Lorraine Wurzl OV=Official Visit

Whittemore Brats and Bingo Benefitting Relay for Life, Osseo

Sherburne Masonic Lodge Osseo 214 Central Avenue, Osseo, MN

The Sherburne Lodge Masonic Family is once again hosting this event to raise money for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life! Each year our team participates in the Relay for Life to help fight Cancer and this is just one of the ways we raise money. For just $10 you get a Couple of Brats, Chips, a Cookie and Two Bingo Cards. (Extra Cards are $2 Each) Have fun eating, playing Bingo and winning prizes while raising money to help fight this terrible disease which has touched all of us!